Conselho Científico

Robert G. Picard, Ph.D
Jonkoping International BusiSchool

Alfonso Tabernero
Universidade de Navarra, Espanha

Alan B. Albarran, Ph.D
University of North Texas, EUA
Director do International Journal of Media Management

Steve Wildman
State Michigam University, EUA
Director do Journal of Media Economics

Mestre Paulo Faustino
Director da revista MediaXXI

Professor Doutor Rogério Santos

Professor Doutor Fernando Ilharco

Programa Provisório

18 de Maio - Domingo

16h00 – Recepção
19h00 – Cocktail

19 de Maio - Segunda-Feira

09h00 – Sessão de Abertura
- Representante do Governo
- Comissão Organizadora Internacional, Professor Doutor Alan Albarran (Director do Journal of Media Management)
- Comissão Organizada Local, Professor Dr. Paulo Faustino (Director da Revista Media XXI)
- Convidado Especial

09h15 – Painel 1: The Media Challeges and New Platforms

Moderadores: Rogério Santos e Alan Abarran

Cost and Capability Drivers of Differences Between Old and New Media
Steven S. Wildman e Carol Ting (EUA)

Hollywood Players: When Film and Video Games Converge
Robert Brookey (EUA)

Hollywood at the Digital Crossroad: New Challenges, New Opportunities
Alejandro Pardo Fernández (Espanha)

YouTube and Its Mobile Distributing Consumer Media Venturing
Min Hang (China)

Pay TV: Market Dynamics in Portugal and Europe
Luísa Ribeiro (Portugal)

11h00 – Coffee Break

11h15 – Painel 2: Competition, Concentration and Media Consolidation

Moderadores: Georgius Tsourvakas e Sylvia Olmsted

A Measure of Overlap for Diversified Media Companies: Diffuse Competition in a Tem-Firm Cohort
John Dimmick e Alan Albarran (EUA)

Free daily newspapers reaching maturity; Saturation, consolidation and diversification
Piet Bakker (Holanda)

Free newspapers in Spain: a partial success
Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, Juan P. Artero e Alejandro Armesto (Espanha)

Media Economics : Main Forces And Mechanisms - Towards increasing concentration?
Patrick-Yves Badillo, Jean-Baptiste Lesourd e Dominique Bourgeois (França)
On motives for acquisition activity in the media sector - Understanding actions through contextualisation
Lotta Häkkinen, Niina Nummela e Saara L. Taalas (Finlândia)

The U.S. Broadband Market Conditions and Barriers to Entry
Eun-A Park (EUA)

14h30 – Painel 3: Regional and Global Developments in TMT

Moderadores: John Dimmick e Fernando Ilharco
Telecommunication flows in the Mediterranean region and the audiovisual prospective
Cinzia Colapinto, Benedetta Prario e Giuseppe Richeri (Suiça)

The Television production sector in Italy and the challenges of globalization
Flavia Barca e Andrea Marzulli (Itália)

A Comparative Study of the Third Generation Mobile Markets in Japan and Korea
Seonmi Lee, Sangwon Lee e Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted (EUA)

Media and the Creative City: Exploring the creation of urban media clusters
Erik Hitters (Holanda)

International cultural industries in a local context - Music majors in the Netherlands 1990-2005
Miriam van de Kamp (Holanda)

15h45 – Coffee Break

16h00 – Painel 4: Sources and Effects of innovation in Media Industry

Moderadores: Paulo Faustino e Alfonso Tabernero

Innovation through External Sourcing Activities: An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns of Telecommunications Service Providers Industry
Hans van Kranenburg (Holanda), Jacqueline Pennings (Holanda), Cinzia DalZotto (Suécia) e John Hagedoorn (Holanda)

What are the Opportunities for Business Innovation in Documentary Film Production and Distribution?
Florin Vladica (Canadá)

Global Paradigm Shift: Strategic Management of New/Digital Media in New/Digital Economics
Zvezdan Vukanovic (Canadá)

Developing a Mobile Television Market: Lessons from the Word´s Leading Mobile Economy
Sylvia M. Chan–Olmsted (EUA)

17h15 – Painel 5: Performance Issues of Media Companies

Moderadores: Giuseppe Richeri e Carlos Capucho

Organisational changes in newspaper firms and their relationship to performance
Aldo Van Weezel (Suécia)

Industry and Firm Effects on Performance: Evidence from the Online News Industry in U.S.
J. Sonia Huang (China)

Economic performance and behavior in the Swedish Regional newspaper Industry 1996-2005 - Does ownership matter?
Christoffer Rydland (Suécia)

Changing strategies of Russian business press
Katja Koikkalainen (Finlândia)

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 6: Corporate Control and Behavioral Choices

Moderadores: Isabel Gil e Lucy Keung

Corporate Governance: the Revival of an Academic, Professional and Policy field
Juan P. Artero (EUA)

Corporate Responsibility in the British Media Industry
Ágnes Gulyás (Inglaterra)

Corporate goals in the media industry: An analysis of German media companies’ annual reports
Uwe Eisenbeis (Alemanha)

Multitasking – new way of communication and media consumption among young people
Levente Szekely (Hungria) e Agnes Urban (Hungria)

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 7: Iberian Latin American Media Market

Moderadores: Juan Pablo Artero e Arons Carvalho

Prospectiva dos Media: o Caso de Portugal num Contexto Europeu
Paulo Faustino (Portugal)

None dare question my CV: denial and excuse to restrain media coverage
Ricardo Novais (Portugal)

Paper a designar

Paper a designar

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 8: Ibero Latin American Media Market

Moderadores: Aldo Van Weezel and Carla Ganito

Conceptualização e Modelo de Regulação dos Media em Portugal
Landerset Cardoso

Los nuevos medios e comunicación estratégica hacia el consumidor
Javier Sierra

Paper a designar

Paper a designar

18h00 – Encerramento - Tempo Livre

20h00 – Jantar

20 de Maio – Terça-feira

09h15 – Painel 9: Revenue Choices and Business Models

Moderadores: Steve Wildman e Rogério Santos

To bundle or not to bundle? How Western European newspapers monetise their online content.
Valerie-Anne Bleyen (Bélgica)

Ethic Audiences Pricing Paradox
Amy Jo Coffey (EUA)

All-you-can-eat versus download-to-own – an empirical analysis of business models for music downloads
Dominik Papies (Alemanha) e Dennis Dieball (Alemanha)

The Influence of the Media on an Economy: A case Study of Eleven nations
Alan B. Albarran (EUA) e Fang Liu (EUA)

The Fragmentation of advertizing
Francisco J. Pérez-Latre (Espanha)

11h00 – Coffee Break

11h15 – Painel 10: Factors in Success of Firms and Technologies

Moderadores: Fernando Iharco and Robert Picard

Value of the Content and Value of the Channel: Movie Rerun on Television
Marco Gambaro (Itália)

Success Factors of Fiction Books: An Empirical Analysis with SUR Models
Christina Schmidt-Stölting (Alemanha) e Eva Blömeke (Alemanha)

Understanding the Success of New Media Startups
Claudia Loebbecke (Alemanha) e Claudio Huyskens (Alemanha)

Explaining Hyperlink Traffic Between Thematic Blogs
Teck Juan Han (Singapura) e W. Wayne Fu (Singapura)

Packaging a movie project
Bjørn von Rimscha (Suiça)

Business Strategies of City TV Stations in China - The Cases in the Area of Pearl River Delta
Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai (China)

13h00 – Almoço

14h30 – Painel 11: Influences on Content in the Media Products

Moderadores: Rita Figueiras e Fang Liu

Interactive Channels and Challenge of Content Budgeting
Steve Wildman (EUA)
Determinants of Domestic Music Repertoire: An Empirical Analysis
Robert Picard (EUA) e Patrik Wikström (EUA)

Localizing National News: A Comparison of Newspaper Chains’ Local Source Usage
Angela M. Powers (EUA)

Evolution of the European public channel content (1996-2004)
Mercedes Medina (Espanha), Cristina Etayo (Espanha), e María José Vázquez (Espanha)

Is Online News an Inferior Good? Empirically Examining the Economic Nature of Online News
Iris Chyi (EUA)

The discursive and social strategies of BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera's Middle East Reporting
Leon Barkho (Suécia)

15h45 – Coffee Break

16h00 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 12: Public Policies for the Media Sector

Moderadores: Rui Cádima and Angela Powers

Framing Media Economic Policy: A Social Economics Approach
Benjamin J Bates (EUA)

The internet and digitization of public library services: Impact on universal access in local communities
Krishna Jayakar (EUA) e Ashley Sims (EUA)

Understanding the Economics of Online Privacy
Laurie Thomas Lee (EUA)

Indicators for media pluralism in the EU Member States - towards a new media management approach
Mike Friedrichsen (Alemanha), Wolfgang Mühl-Benninghaus (Alemanha) e Eric Karstens (Alemanha)

Television and Youth Press as a Medium Carrying the Value of Popular Culture
Beata Kosmalska (Polónia) e Marek Ejsmont (Polónia)

Theorizing Market Failurein the Media Sector – The End of Fallacious Paradigm?
Paulo Murchtez (Germany)

16h00 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 13: People and Management in Media

Moderadores: Cinzia dal Zotto e Isabel Gil
Learning Culture features of middle staff employees in media companies
George Tsourvakas (Grécia), Eugenia Petridou (Grécia) e Paraskevi Dekoulou (Grécia)

Leadership Styles and Conflict Management Strategies of Prominent US Female Cable Industry Leaders
Louisa Shu Ying Há (EUA) e Chin-Chung Chao (EUA)

The rising of the journalist-managers: changing institutional logics in the field of French journalism? Leads to analyze the change of the French daily hard news press business model
Matthieu Lardeau (França)

Objectivity does not exist: a first editorial, managerial and strategic assessment of France 24
Ghislain Deslandes (França)

Media Executives (USA) Assessment of the Changing World: A Brief Review of Media´s Impact on the Information Society
Teresa Jo Styles (EUA)

Management of Russian Companies: The study of Corporate Governance
Elena Vartanova, Mariana Blinova, Mikhail Makeenko e Sergei Smironov (Rússia)

16h00 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 14: Media Market and Strategic Options

Moderadores: Jorge Fazenda e Ghislain Deslandes

Newspaper publishing in four major European markets – current status and trends
Mikko Grönlund (Finlândia) e Tom Björkroth (Finlândia)

The Development of Advertising - Implications for Media and Difficulties of Empirical Measurement
Nathan Thomas (Suiça), Gabriele Siegert (Suiça) e Ulrike Mellmann (Suiça)

Mobcom and the TV industry: Quest for Strategy?
Rolf A. Lundin (Suécia)

Transaction Costs and Their Influence on Institutional Arrangements in the Swedish Printing Industry
Thomas Mejtoft (Suécia) e Sven Packmohr (Suécia)

User Generated Content as a Strategic Option for Media Companies
Mania Strube (Alemanha) e Christian-Mathias Wellbrock (Alemanha)

General interest and specialized newspapers business models and their impact on print and online content
Nikos Leandros (Grécia) e Vaia Doudaki (Grécia)

16h00 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 15: Iberian – Latino American Media Market

Moderadores: Catarina Burnay e Mercedes Medina

Análisis de webhost comerciales: comercio electrónico
Rosario Fernández Falero (Espanha) e Lidia Moura (Portugal)

Prensa Provincial de Lugo
José Sixto Garcia (Espanha)

Entre local e comunitário: análise legislativa da radiodifusão em Portugal e Brasil
Flávia Santos (Portugal)

O surgimento da imprensa independente em Moçambique – um estudo de caso da cooperativa de comunicação MediaCoop – jornalistas associados
João Feijó (Portugal)

Reconfiguração das redacções jornalísticas: do apartheid à fusão organizacional
Ricardo Nunes (Portugal)

A Indústria dos Media e suas Estratégias de Abordagem do Fenômeno Esportivo
José Carlos Marques (Brasil)

17h45 – Encerramento

- Comissão Organizadora Internacional, Professor Doutor Alan Albarran
- Comissão Organizadora Internacional, Professor Doutor Steve Wildman
- Directora da Faculdade de Ciência Humanas da UCP, Professora Doutora Isabel Gil
- Comissão Organizadora Nacional (CECC), Professor Doutor Rogério Santos
- Comissão Organizadora Nacional (CECC), Professor Doutor Fernando Ilharco
- Convidado especial a designar

20h30 – Jantar de Gala, na Casa do Alentejo

Programa Social (opcional)
21 e 22 de Maio

21 de Maio – Viagem ao Porto

08h00 – Partida de Lisboa

09h30 – Paragem em Óbidos

12h30 – Almoço no Porto

15h30 – Passeio pela cidade

19h30 – Jantar, no Teatro Rivoli

22h00 – Regresso

01h00 – Chegada a Lisboa

22 de Maio – Viagem a Évora

09h00 – Partida para Évora

11h00 – Chegada a Évora – Visita a:

- Templo de Diana
- Aqueduto da Água de Prata
- Praça do Giraldo
- Sé Catedral
- Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Graça

13h00 – Almoço + Prova de Vinhos

15h00 – Continuação da visita

20h00 – Chegada a Lisboa

Para mais informações acerca da conferência