Programa Provisório

18 de Maio - Domingo

16h00 – Recepção
19h00 – Cocktail

19 de Maio - Segunda-Feira

09h00 – Sessão de Abertura
- Representante do Governo
- Comissão Organizadora Internacional, Professor Doutor Alan Albarran (Director do Journal of Media Management)
- Comissão Organizada Local, Professor Dr. Paulo Faustino (Director da Revista Media XXI)
- Convidado Especial

09h15 – Painel 1: The Media Challeges and New Platforms

Moderadores: Rogério Santos e Alan Abarran

Cost and Capability Drivers of Differences Between Old and New Media
Steven S. Wildman e Carol Ting (EUA)

Hollywood Players: When Film and Video Games Converge
Robert Brookey (EUA)

Hollywood at the Digital Crossroad: New Challenges, New Opportunities
Alejandro Pardo Fernández (Espanha)

YouTube and Its Mobile Distributing Consumer Media Venturing
Min Hang (China)

Pay TV: Market Dynamics in Portugal and Europe
Luísa Ribeiro (Portugal)

11h00 – Coffee Break

11h15 – Painel 2: Competition, Concentration and Media Consolidation

Moderadores: Georgius Tsourvakas e Sylvia Olmsted

A Measure of Overlap for Diversified Media Companies: Diffuse Competition in a Tem-Firm Cohort
John Dimmick e Alan Albarran (EUA)

Free daily newspapers reaching maturity; Saturation, consolidation and diversification
Piet Bakker (Holanda)

Free newspapers in Spain: a partial success
Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, Juan P. Artero e Alejandro Armesto (Espanha)

Media Economics : Main Forces And Mechanisms - Towards increasing concentration?
Patrick-Yves Badillo, Jean-Baptiste Lesourd e Dominique Bourgeois (França)
On motives for acquisition activity in the media sector - Understanding actions through contextualisation
Lotta Häkkinen, Niina Nummela e Saara L. Taalas (Finlândia)

The U.S. Broadband Market Conditions and Barriers to Entry
Eun-A Park (EUA)

14h30 – Painel 3: Regional and Global Developments in TMT

Moderadores: John Dimmick e Fernando Ilharco
Telecommunication flows in the Mediterranean region and the audiovisual prospective
Cinzia Colapinto, Benedetta Prario e Giuseppe Richeri (Suiça)

The Television production sector in Italy and the challenges of globalization
Flavia Barca e Andrea Marzulli (Itália)

A Comparative Study of the Third Generation Mobile Markets in Japan and Korea
Seonmi Lee, Sangwon Lee e Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted (EUA)

Media and the Creative City: Exploring the creation of urban media clusters
Erik Hitters (Holanda)

International cultural industries in a local context - Music majors in the Netherlands 1990-2005
Miriam van de Kamp (Holanda)

15h45 – Coffee Break

16h00 – Painel 4: Sources and Effects of innovation in Media Industry

Moderadores: Paulo Faustino e Alfonso Tabernero

Innovation through External Sourcing Activities: An Overview of Major Trends and Patterns of Telecommunications Service Providers Industry
Hans van Kranenburg (Holanda), Jacqueline Pennings (Holanda), Cinzia DalZotto (Suécia) e John Hagedoorn (Holanda)

What are the Opportunities for Business Innovation in Documentary Film Production and Distribution?
Florin Vladica (Canadá)

Global Paradigm Shift: Strategic Management of New/Digital Media in New/Digital Economics
Zvezdan Vukanovic (Canadá)

Developing a Mobile Television Market: Lessons from the Word´s Leading Mobile Economy
Sylvia M. Chan–Olmsted (EUA)

17h15 – Painel 5: Performance Issues of Media Companies

Moderadores: Giuseppe Richeri e Carlos Capucho

Organisational changes in newspaper firms and their relationship to performance
Aldo Van Weezel (Suécia)

Industry and Firm Effects on Performance: Evidence from the Online News Industry in U.S.
J. Sonia Huang (China)

Economic performance and behavior in the Swedish Regional newspaper Industry 1996-2005 - Does ownership matter?
Christoffer Rydland (Suécia)

Changing strategies of Russian business press
Katja Koikkalainen (Finlândia)

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 6: Corporate Control and Behavioral Choices

Moderadores: Isabel Gil e Lucy Keung

Corporate Governance: the Revival of an Academic, Professional and Policy field
Juan P. Artero (EUA)

Corporate Responsibility in the British Media Industry
Ágnes Gulyás (Inglaterra)

Corporate goals in the media industry: An analysis of German media companies’ annual reports
Uwe Eisenbeis (Alemanha)

Multitasking – new way of communication and media consumption among young people
Levente Szekely (Hungria) e Agnes Urban (Hungria)

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 7: Iberian Latin American Media Market

Moderadores: Juan Pablo Artero e Arons Carvalho

Prospectiva dos Media: o Caso de Portugal num Contexto Europeu
Paulo Faustino (Portugal)

None dare question my CV: denial and excuse to restrain media coverage
Ricardo Novais (Portugal)

Paper a designar

Paper a designar

17h15 – Sessão Paralela - Painel 8: Ibero Latin American Media Market

Moderadores: Aldo Van Weezel and Carla Ganito

Conceptualização e Modelo de Regulação dos Media em Portugal
Landerset Cardoso

Los nuevos medios e comunicación estratégica hacia el consumidor
Javier Sierra

Paper a designar

Paper a designar

18h00 – Encerramento - Tempo Livre

20h00 – Jantar

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